Development of a Modular Biopotential Amplifier Trainer for Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory Experiments

Image Processing Project ​(First Semester of MAIA at University of Burgundy, February 2018).

CAIR Image Shrinking


The availability of sophisticated source attribution techniques raises new concerns about privacy and anonymity of photographers, activists, and human right defenders who need to stay anonymous while spreading their images and videos. An image can be considered to be a combination of both significant (foreground) objects and some less significant (background) objects. Content aware image resizing (CAIR) algorithm uses the different edge detection methods to segregate the useful objects from the background. When applied to an image, CAIR can resize the image to a very different aspect ratio without destroying the aspect ratio of the useful objects in the image. In this project, we simply implement a content aware image resizing (CAIR) in MATLAB environment. The main idea to implement CAIR is to remove or insert the vertical or horizontal seams (paths of pixel) having the lowest energy. After implanted the Seam Carving Algorithm for Content aware image resizing (CAIR), analysis shows that the implemented seam carving for CAIR can generate more desirable resized images than cropping, resampling, and conventional seam carving techniques.

Feb 10, 2018 12:00 AM